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The kind of pot you put sauce in. And self-stirring in that it's got its own mechanism built in to the pot. You put your sauce in there, start to heat it up, put the cover on, and turn the crank. Turn the crank and laugh! Laugh at the industrial genius of this mechanism! Ah haaa! Yes! Sauce! Sauce forever!
Seriously sauce forever. What more do you want from a pot than a stirrer automatica? I can think of a few times where it'd be less-than-helpful. Those times with stuff such as spaghetti, I'd opt out of the stirrer. But check out the bottom of the pot! It's concave! It is shaped thus so that the "specially shaped teflon base will increase the suface area that is exposed to fire." Physicists, is this ever a bad idea?
This "Wrinkle" pot was designed by Cem Tutuncuoglu - a very, very strange man. You simply must check out his landing page:
Designer: Cem Tutuncuoglu
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