25 de maio de 2009

Confuse Time, All The Time, Every Time


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via Yanko Design by Radhika Seth on 5/25/09

If you live in the land of confusion, lemme confuse you more!
Designer Johan Bisse Mattsson is testing my limits as a writer and yours as a reader. Let's see if you can comprehend this: A clock, where the Second's Hand rotates from the tip of the Minute's Hand. The Minute's Hand rotates from the tip of the Hour's Hand. Confused? I know I am…so give it up for Einstein here and head over to the Hand in Hand Clock webpage, where you can experience this mesmerizing design first hand.

Currently the Hand in Hand Clock is implemented as a software solution. Drag the hands to change the time and zoom in and out by using your scroll wheel.

Designer: Johan Bisse Mattsson


Things you can do from here: