30 de junho de 2009

A Bridge Between Private and Public Transport


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via Yanko Design by Chris Burns on 6/30/09

It's the DOT: Direct On-demand Transport. It's aimed foremost at London. It's a small non-poluting vehicle that not only works on a giant organized system that reduces traffic and travel time to a minimum, it's made to encourage car-pooling as well. Each unit can combine with another unit to create a larger unit. And boy are you gonna enjoy the way the vehicle works.

The vehicle's wheels are magnetically levitated by motors on either side of the unit. Sequential acceleration and braking allow the vehicle to turn, while the back wheel is in place for stability.

The vehicle runs on Li-On batteries, recharged by solar panels on the roof of the vehicle. The batteries can also be charged at any number of special zones in the city through induction charging.

It's all the good parts of a personal vehicle with the cost and environmental goodness of public transport. Being able to travel to several locations in the city in a short amount of time is imperative to the modern professional (or anyone who's not a cube-liver.) Ending humankind's war on nature, that's imperative too. These roller cars would be just lovely!

Designer: Varun Niti Singh

Direct On-demand Transport by Varun Niti Singh 01

Direct On-demand Transport by Varun Niti Singh 02

Direct On-demand Transport by Varun Niti Singh 03

Direct On-demand Transport by Varun Niti Singh 04

Direct On-demand Transport by Varun Niti Singh 05

Direct On-demand Transport by Varun Niti Singh 06


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